Hacía horas que estaba listo para nacer, aunque algo en el horizonte no le dejaba. La luz por la que se suponía debía pasar no se abría como le habían dicho. Pensó un par de veces en acercarse para ayudar, pero le dio un miedo repentino. De no ser agradable. De tener responsabilidades. De tener que seguir el status quo. De existir.
Así dio la media vuelta.
En el hospital, desde el exterior, comenzaron a ver movimientos inusuales en el vientre de la madre. Y, como si fuese una película de terror, vieron como un bulto avanzaba por el pecho, el esófago hasta aparecer por la boca. Era su pesadilla hecha realidad.
In english (Well, well well Georgie boy)
He had been ready to be born for hours, although something on the horizon wouldn’t let him. The light where he was supposed to pass through didn’t open as it had been told. He thought a couple of times about reaching out to help, but it gave him a sudden fear. Of not to be a nice person. Of having responsabilities. Of having to follow the status quo. Fear to exist.
So he turned around.
In the hospital, from the outside, the began to see unusual movements in the mother’s womb. And, as if it were a horror movie, they saw a lump move up the chest, the esophagus until it appeared through the mouth. It was his nightmare come true.
Ficha Técnica de la foto en el microcuento:
Canon, Powershot SX530 HS.
Arequipa, Perú. 2018.